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  • Machine Learning Paper Reviews (Mostly NLP)

Denying the Legacy System of Reviewing Scientific Papers

by wlqmfl 2022. 8. 7.

Working in an office(or a shop) next to foreign friends is really exciting. A 23-year-old Korean, referring to myself, and an American from Ohio must have lived such a different life. We share our own cultures, customs, foods, natures, families, etc. Did you know that Republica Dominica presents a fabulous art of nature? At least I do, despite through google map, but heard from the national of Republica Dominica. This cavernous world in 2022 carries so much of a beauty inside.
Majoring computer science in Korea is pretty charming. There are so much demands from various corporations requiring R&D skills especially in machine learning, operation systems, database, etc. However, dreaming of being a Google cs engineer or becoming a developer in some huge trading firm would not let me stay in my own country. I must go further towards America, first to escalate my ability as an engineer, and second to experience every single charm hiding in this beautiful earth.
In order to acheive the goal, I chose to review some papers related to NLP, which refers to Natural Language Processing. As a senior in university who studied quite deeply in NLP, reviewing some nice papers would help me out understanding the sequence of other’s creative methodologies, and ultimately break down cultural barriers between countries.
My paper reviews deny old legacy systems of reviewing the papers:

Some Old Guidelines to Review Papers
- Does the paper provide insight into an important issue?
- Does the paper tell a good story?
- Is the paper interesting for international audience?

No. My reviews are more casual, more creative, more complicated, more offensive, and more like a debate rather than review. I can’t wait to see how the history of NLP has changed the earth into such a interesting planet.

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