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  • Machine Learning Paper Reviews (Mostly NLP)

분류 전체보기21

[Machine Learning Basics] nvidia-driver, CUDA Toolkit I recently received a server which GPU were available, and found out how to go through GPU settings. Content 1. Connecting to (SSH) server with VSCode 2. Installing GPU driver (nvidia-driver) 3. Installing CUDA 1. Connecting to SSH server with VSCode (with password, not the SECRET_KEY) VSCode seems to be the predominant code editor. VSCode has numerous extensions for such things like Git, Remote.. 2023. 8. 29.
STILTs: Supplementary Training on Pretrained Sentence Encoders Sentence Encoders on STILTs: Supplementary Training on Intermediate Labeled-data Tasks Jason Phang, Thibault F'evry, Samuel R. Bowman 27 Feb 2019 A Second Stage of Pretraining In order to overcome the flaws of existing encoders, transfer learning has allowed us to enhance the performance of various tasks by starting with a pretrained model that has already learned relevant features or representa.. 2023. 8. 26.
Predicting Spans Rather Than Tokens On BERT SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, etc. 18 Jan 2020 SpanBERT Coreference task is the task of finding all expressions that refer to the same entity in a text. For example, given a text as follows: "I voted for Nadar because he was most aligned with my values", she said. 'I', '.. 2023. 4. 29.
Representation Learning Basic (BERT) BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding Google AI Language 24 May 2019 A New Language Representation Model "A good representation is one that makes a subsequent learning task easier." The paper presents BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer) which is designed to deeply learn the representations from unlabeled text on both left and ri.. 2023. 4. 25.